On Pentecost Sunday, we traditionally celebrate the birth of the Church. On this unique Pentecost Sunday, we are excited to launch St Iggy’s Online! Over the last few months, the parish has come together in different ways to build the body of Christ online. At St Iggy’s Online, we hope to build our digital space into a digital Place of Gathering.

Our digital Place of Gathering, will be a space for us to share updates on parish announcements, live Mass links, Adoration timings, as well as sharings and reflections from both our religious and parishioners as we continue our journey of Finding God in All Things - even online!

The main platform for St Iggy's Online will be our Parish Telegram Channel. Join us by clicking this link!


What is Telegram?

Telegram is an instant messaging device that you can download onto your mobile device that functions very much like WhatsApp.

Why are we using Telegram instead of WhatsApp?

On Telegram, we will be able to share parish updates, sharing, reflections and more without collecting your handphone numbers. This allows us to stay connected without any privacy issues.

How do I download Telegram?

You can follow the instructions below for both Android and iPhone users.


Android Users

Step 1: On your Android device, open your Google Play Store and search for “Telegram”. Download the app. 


Step 2: Once Telegram has been downloaded, open the App and follow the on-screen instructions to set-up your account. 


Step 3: After your account has been set-up, you may join the Parish Telegram Channel by either clicking here or following these steps:


1. Click on the ‘Search’ icon on the top-right of your screen.  


2. Search “stiggys” and click on Church of St. Ignatius Singapore


3. Click ‘Join’ at the bottom of your screen.

Apple iPhone Users

Step 1: On your iPhone, open your “App Store” and search for “Telegram Messenger”. Download the App. 


Step 2: Once Telegram has been downloaded, open the App and follow the on-screen instructions to set-up your account.



Step 3: After your account has been set-up, you may join the Parish Telegram Channel by either clicking here or following these steps:


1. Click on the ‘Search for messages or users’ bar on the top of your screen. 


2. Search “stiggys” and click on Church of St. Ignatius Singapore


3. Click ‘Join’ at the bottom of your screen.



Thank you for joining our Parish Telegram Channel!