Tuesday Ladies’ 

Join us for a new 10-session study on ”No Greater Love“ by Ascension Press starting 25 January 2022. Every Tuesday 10-12pm, via Zoom.

This program is a biblical pilgrimage revealing God’s amazing love for us. Walk with Jesus in his last hours from Gethsemane to Calvary, for a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s immeasurable and unconditional love for us.

Contact Jennet at 9864 3793 or Elizabeth at 9694 2778 by 31 October to register your interest.

The Pilgrim Group
Alternate Monday 8.00 -10.00 pm at room 01-09 or SH-E. Sessions is postponed until further notice.

Road to Emmaus Sessions - {During Covid-19 period}
Journey with us on the Road to Emmaus and let the Word of God burn within your hearts (Luke 24:32).
This is a parish-wide Bible program designed to help us `Break the Word' of the weekend Liturgies, so as enable us to more deeply apply its truths and meanings in our daily lives. The program is currently run on zoom meeting platform until further notice.
For any queries, please contact Matthew - 96676690 or Raymond - 97318432 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Wednesday Wonderers

Church History Taught from a Solidly Catholic Perspective

This is our story, our family. As Catholics, we are the inheritors of holy men and women who over two thousand years built a great civilization and spread the gospel throughout the world. The history of the Church is not just the recitation of popes and saints; it is a story of adventure, intrigue, rebellion, reform, and devotion. In this study you will learn about the important people, places, and events in two thousand years of Church history, presented in twelve easy-to-remember color-coded time periods. You will discover the true stories behind the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Protestant Reformation. You will also learn about the massive persecution of Christians in the twentieth century. Throughout, you will be gaining an understanding of the workings of the Holy Spirit in our Church.

Our next study will run from 15 Sep - 17 Nov 2021 followed by Jan-Mar 2022 (Total of 20 sessions).
Study will be held on Wednesdays, 9.30am to 12pm via Zoom.
Please contact Vivienne at 9785 2268 or Josephine at 8183 2273 to register. Last day for registration is 15 July 2021.

Saturday Rockers
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Join us for our next Bible study, The Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy. It is a very educational 10-session programme (2 hours each) to commence on 12/2/2022, held on Saturdays starting at 1.30pm, via Zoom until further notice. Participants will meet every week (save for any breaks) to participate in a lively group discussion and fellowship, and view an engaging video presentation from Ascension Press. 

In this Bible study, presenter Thomas Smith examines who the prophets were, their role during their time, and how their prophetic words speak to us even today. Bring along friends and family members to discover how God is constantly calling you to a deeper relationship and be the voice of God to others. Please WhatssApp Charly at 91007401 for details.

Legion of Mary Bible Study Group

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We will be starting the Book of Ecclesiastes Study on 6, 13 & 20 November, via Zoom.
Contact Lily at 9680 8406 (WhatsApp) to register.