We believe that we are called by the grace and love of God when we received the gift of the Holy Spirit through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We are called to serve God through the release and outpouring of the charismatic gifts so as to renew our Church and to bring Christ to others.
Our Vision is "Encountering God through the Holy Spirit"
Our Mission is "To build Christians, united to the Holy Spirit, to love God and Neighbour"

We try to reach out to others by:

  • Coming together as a community for Weekly Praise and Worship, Bible Sharing, intercessory Prayer sessions, Healing sessions and exercising our charisms.
  • Organising an Annual 9 to 12 weeks programme ARISE! (A Renewal in the Spirit Seminar) based on Life In The Spirit Seminar (LISS) including Growth In the Spirit Seminar (GISS).
  • Organising Social Outreach Activities - working with homes to befriend and pray with residents or assisting in Social Mission Activities in the Parish
  • Support the Catechetical Office where needed at their Youth Camps with Intercessory Prayers or Pray Over as the case may be.
  • Participating in On - going formation in Charismatic Spirituality by attending courses conducted by SACCRE, organising a Day of Recollection for members and through our annual retreat.

Place and Time:
Praise and Worship:
St Ignatius Hall. Every Wednesday 8 pm to 10 pm ( with fellowship and light dinner at 7.30 pm)

Our meetings will usually include one the following programmes: Healing Session, Mass, Bible Sharing, Talks, Sharing or Intercessory Prayers.(Please look in the weekly church bulletin for details)

Intercessory Prayers:
Adoration Room, second level, Sacred Heart Hall. Every Tuesday 2.30 pm to 4 pm
Request for prayers can be submitted by SMS or email. Prayer forms are available at Place of Gathering in our Main Church.

Healing Ministry:
Please look out in the bulletin for healing prayer sessions usually held once a month on a Wednesday night.
Alternatively pray over sessions are also available for those who are in urgent need of prayer every Wednesday evening by appointment and you can contact the Co-ordinator for arrangements.

Stephanie Yap Mobile 91166898
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1st Assistant Co-ordinator:
Raymond Yong Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2nd Assistant Co-ordinator:
Cecilia Fransis Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.