Pastoral Care for Elderly and Sick (PaCES)

The main goal of the ministry is to journey with the house bound elderly and the sick of the Parish. It usually involves home and hospital visits, praying with and for them, bringing Holy Communion to them and arranging for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick when necessary.
Present Activities
Bring Holy Communion either weekly or fortnightly to the house bound elderly and the sick, praying with them and developing a bond, on the request of families and caregivers and the Priests of the Parish as follow-up of their pastoral visits.

The visiting of homes is by a group of two or three members who assist and support the bereaved families when those under their care pass away, arrange for prayers at the wakes (ie: contact the Coordinator of Lilies of the Valley wake Ministry ) and attend the funeral Mass and service.

Lilies of the Valley Ministry is a separate ministry whose members pray at wakes of other Parishioners to empathize with the bereaved families. Click here for more details.

They also visit, pray and bring Holy Communion to the sick in Hospitals (particularly Gleneagles Hospital) when requests are received or as follow-up of visits to their homes. Members assist and support the bereaved families when those under their care pass away, arrange for prayers at the wakes, and attend the funeral Mass and service.

Major events now include Christmas Mass for the elderly and the sick.
Annual Special Mass for the elderly and the sick with Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (usually in February to coincide with “The World Day of Prayer for the Sick”)

Place and Time for Ministry Work
As above


Gwinnie Lee 9842 0218
Margaret Loong 9150 3932
Chen May Lin 9630 6140