As traffic assistants, our main task is to get as many cars parked safely, in an orderly manner and as quickly as possible. It is not just for Mass, but also for special occasions, events and even Catechism classes. By doing this, we hope that we are playing a small part to achieve the Parish Goal of coming together in service for the community. Some of our members even serve several Masses during weekends, week-in and week-out, so we are in need of new members, and look forward to more volunteers coming forward.
Place and Time for Ministry Work
Carparks at Kingsmead Hall and Sacred Heart Hall. Traffic Control duty starts 30 mins before every Mass on weekends and special Masses on weekdays and occasions.

Matthew Raj
Tel: 6466 0625 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Raymond Thng
Tel: 6466 0625
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.