1. Who are we? 
    We are members of the Parish community who have been formally commissioned as Proclaimers of the Word of God at all Masses in the Catholic Church of St Ignatius. With some 80 members, we are one of the largest ministries in the Parish.
    We are a very active ministry that organizes compulsory preparatory sessions for lectors before every Sunday and Day of Obligation Mass. We do this unfailingly and without exception 52 weeks in every calendar year as we know that our principal function is to proclaim the Word of God fervently, reverently and with conviction so that it will take root in the hearts and minds of all who listen to it. In addition, we also organize days of recollection, retreats and social events (to build camaraderie and fellowship among our members).
  2. Living the Parish Goal
    As our Ministry is part of a larger community, we encourage our members to support the various Parish- wide events, such as Parish Feast Day activities, Faith Formation sessions, Corpus Christi procession etc.
    The Ministry is always thinking of how we can plan and structure our activities so as to live out the Social Mission dimension of the Parish Goal. 
  3. What do we look forward to
    The Ministry looks forward to growing in tandem with our Parish, as it develops into an ever more spiritually vibrant community of worshipers under the gaze and guidance of our pastors.


Ian de Vaz

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Mary Sim

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Gerry Ng-Koh
Petrina Tay
Liana Teo

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