In his second encyclical letter, 'Laudato Si, On Care For Our Common Home', Pope Francis calls all people of the world to take "swift and unified global action” toward caring for our earth in his writing.

Responding to his call, Church of St Ignatius has formed a new ministry which is called St Ignatius Green Movement.

Its mission:

  1. To promote and create awareness of what is happening to mother earth by our actions;
  2. To see God in creation and to recognize our unique place as human beings in the world; and
  3. To initiate change for ourselves, our families and for the common good toward a sustainable future.

Our focus: 

  1. What can we do individually, according to his or her own ability, talents, experience, culture and involvement , to initiate change in attitudes, lifestyles and actions, to build a community that cares for the environment.
  2. To provide opportunities, platforms and avenues for informing, educating and providing practical approaches to help us make positive changes in our attitudes and perception of the 'human meaning of ecology', and to make real and meaningful changes in our lifestyle.
  3. To be guided by Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter Laudato Si' for inspiration in working toward a 'global ecological conversion' and in spreading his message 'to every person living on this planet'.

Join the Green Movement:

  1. Join our Gardening Group to help tend our parish garden, including our edible garden.
  2. Help out at our Saturday Farmers Market to create awareness of the benefits of growing, eating organic and nurturing ourselves with fruits of the earth.
  3. Join our Outreach team in planning talks, workshops and events to create more awareness of environmental concerns and the need to move toward sustainability.

If you are interested to join this ministry, or would like to find out more, please email: Angela Sng at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For Lenten Pledge please click here.

For Climate Action Conference details, click here.