Who we are

The Youth Choir is one of the community's two own music ministries, and consists of singers aged between 12 and 31. Regardless of age, each member has grown to be passionate about praising the Lord through song.  Officially founded in 2010 by Kendrick Tan, the choir has made its name in the Parish by its fresh takes and twists of liturgical music. Often incorporating jazzy rhythms and funky beats into new interpretations of old hymns, the choir has managed to grow from a small group of 15 to its current impressive strength of about 40. Over the past 6 years, it has grown to be a close-knit family, ever open to welcoming new voices.

What we do

The choir leads the congregation in joyous song at the 12.15pm Mass every Sunday. Our motto, iSing, iPraise, iWorship, remains close to our hearts each week as we share our youthful spirit of worship at mass. Most importantly though, our choir has recently taken a shift in our focus, towards building a truly Christ-centred Musical Community.

With the above focus, our practices (which begin at 8:45am) now consist of the following:
- Community Breakfast (1/2 hour)
- Bible Sharing (1 hour)
- Personal Prayer Time and Adoration (1/2 hour)
- Vocal Training and Practice (1 hour 15 mins)

Our hopes and dreams

We endeavour to continue to build ourselves into a strong and grounded "Communistry", based on prayer, the Word of God, and being a Life-Giving community based on "Kingdom Lifestyle" values. With each of us bringing to God the true heart of a worshipper at every mass, we hope to inspire the congregation to participate fully in praising God in song!!!

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