Who we are

The DVC Facilitators Ministry consists of a unique group of enthusiastic and passionate individuals who assist the Catechist in mentoring the Secondary 3 Confirmation class. We conduct the activities during the lessons, take on the responsibility of the extensive planning that goes into the annual confirmation camps, and journey together with our confirmands in their faith during this critical formation period.

What we do

Established in 2010, the ministry was set up to fill the need for more personal interaction with the confirmands. It was realized that confirmands needed people to journey with them and understand their personal needs regarding their own faith journey, an aspect catechists could not achieve with such large classes. Facilitators bridged that gap by increasing the teacher-student ratio. Furthermore, being closer in age to the confirmands than the catechists made relationships easier to forge and build, thus making the facilitators ideal mentors for the Secondary 3's. 

Both the confirmands and Catechist confirmed how much more fun learning about one's faith can be by having facilitators around to relate to and interact with. After two trial years, the facilitators were accepted as a main part of the church's catechism programme. They now play a pivotal role in the spiritual formation and development of every batch of the church's confirmands, allowing flexibility in carrying out activities by being available manpower, whilst constantly journeying and sharing with their confirmands in their faith journey to confirmation.

Our hopes and dreams

We hope to groom facilitators to be future leaders by empowering them with the skills and understanding by giving them the opportunity to plan and lead events. We also aspire to build community between confirmands and facilitators, and inspire confirmands to serve in the parish.

In the pipeline

We hope to expand the ministry so that we may one day include the secondary two and secondary one confirmation classes, so that facilitators are able to journey for a longer period of time with the confirmands, forging greater bonds and even more meaningful relationships to make their entire confirmation journey more understandable and personal.

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