No one is without a family in this world: the Church is a home and family for everyone, especially those who labor and are heavy laden.” St. John Paul II (Familiaris Consortio #85)

The FLG is a newly formed ministry with membership open to all who share in our mission of evangelising families in our parish. It is the goal of our ministry to work with the parish priest, PPC Exco and other family ministries in developing initiatives that foster the spiritual growth of families to become evangelising families, by striking a good balance between providing pastoral care for parishioners, on one hand, and empowering them to take charge of the spiritual growth of their families, on the other hand.
Our ministry began its work in 2016 when we introduced Deacon Harold together with the help of the Archdiocese Commission for Families (ACF) to give a talk on how to live out our catholic values in modern day families. In 2017 we have discerned our mission and devised our workplan with a focus on giving support to newly married couples and those in their earlier years of marriage. To that end, we have brought in the Couple Empowerment Programme (CEP) in March and introduced the Couple Mentorship Journey (CMJ) this June.

Couple Empowerment Programme (CEP)
The CEP was well attended by over 50 married couples and forms the largest cohort of CEP in a parish thus far. The CEP couples, after graduating from the programme, have now formed themselves to a community to lend support and spiritual help for each other.

Couple Mentorship Journey (CMJ)
The CMJ is a couple-to-couple mentorship programme that has just begun at St. Ignatius. We have seven seasoned married couples from our parish who have been trained to mentor newly-wed couples through an eight-week journey.
Our ministry members are fully aware that to cover the whole spectrum of pastoral and spiritual needs of family life is an immense commitment that can only be fulfilled in stages when more parishioners are drawn in with their different gifts and ideas. We are constantly discussing and discerning on our next stage of growth and for the year 2018, we have tentatively devised a calendar of events here. All of us in FLM believe that if we were to bear any fruits for the families, we need to constantly rely on the strength of prayers and the grace of God.
The following is the link to register for CMJ and further information:

1st row, L to R: Simon, Fr. Matthew, Angie, Regina, Alexander
Back, L to R: Joachim, Aaron, Bernard, Justin