1. Bookings must be made at least 1 week in advance by submitting an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Bookings over the phone WILL NOT BE entertained.
  3. Keys for rooms/halls can be collected from the church office. Keys have to be returned promptly to church office or drop in to the keys drop boxes, located outside the parish office or at the metal gate.

Keys' Drop Box at Church Office Keys' Drop Box at the Metal Gate


Please read the term and conditions for booking our halls & classrooms.

Please Note:
Rooms & halls are for ministry groups only. Outside groups can only book rooms if they have approval from the Parish Priest. Please contact us if you do not receive your reply within a week as your e-mail may have gone astray or your application may have been inadvertently overlooked.

Rooms/ Halls Available for Booking

Sacred Heart Hall (Canteen)
St Ignatius hall
Annexe hall
Classrooms at the ground floor: #01-02 to #01-12 and SH-A
Classrooms at the second floor: SH-C, SH-D, SH-E, SH-F, #02-02, #02-04 to #02-08
Attic room
Music Rooms: MR1, MR2, MR3
La Storta Room & Loyola Room

Use of Place of Gathering

Ministries or groups wishing to use the Place of Gathering during the weekend Masses for promotions or registrations are to make your booking with the administrator at least three month in advance in writing, by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Subject to Parish Priest's approval.