The Homemakers meet to sort out second-hand donated goods for jumble sales. These are clothes, barang-barang, (books, working electrical appliances, custome jewellery) in good condition, etc.
Jumble Sales are organized periodically and announced in the church bulletin. Funds raised are donated to church Social Mission Fund.

Place and Time
Second-hand goods are placed outside the staircase at ground floor of Sacred Heart Hall by donors. Sorting is carried out in the Sacred Heart Hall every Wednesdays morning and a few days before a Jumble Sale. Request for additional volunteers to help sort items before a jumble sale will appear in the church bulletin.


Church office: 6466 0625
Marie Anne Yong, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anne Palmer

Lily Tan
Yvonne Kraal
Cecily Gomes