Hospitality Ministry: Greeters and Collectors (HMs)
We extend the welcome of Christ to you at the doors as you cross over from the outside world into the House of God. HMs assist during the Mass to maintain a reverential experience so that everyone can encounter Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. At Masses, HMs also assist in the collection. There are about 75 Hospitality Ministers at present.

We see God in the people we serve from the very young to the very old. For people in wheelchairs, we guide the extra- ordinary communion ministers to them. We do get negative responses from some parishioners at times but we are able to carry on as we see God challenging us to pray for them in difficult situations (like parents of crying children when they refuse to co- operate).Thus we practice compassion in serving the Lord and finding Him in others.
We are looking to recruit more members committed to performing duties for large Masses. We are inviting more young members to inject some renewal into the Ministry as we bond with, and support each other in this Ministry.

Our Mission
- To be friendly, caring and helpful to God’s people so that God’s love for His people is witnessed through our services
- To enhance the worship experience
- To welcome parishioners to the church and help them to be seated BEFORE Mass begins
- To arrange for the gift bearers and guide them for the offertory procession
- To organise the queue at the Communion points to receive communion
- To lead the Communion Minister to the elderly or sick, who may have difficulties in movement
- To distribute leaflets etc after Mass
- To clear the pews of leaflets left behind by parishioners after Mass
- To assist parishioners & visitors, and respond to their queries

Place and Time for Ministry Work
HMs will be present at all the Sunday Masses, Special Days of Obligation and Special occasions. They will also help with collection at weekly masses (Pre-Covid)



If you would like to help in the Hospitality Ministry, please contact us.

Angeline Tok: 9616 0573 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Juliana Ding: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yohannes Hendra: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.