Greetings of grace and peace dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore has been working very closely with government authorities throughout this COVID-19 situation. After the announcement of Phase 2 of the reopening of the country, we understand the buildup of excitement from our fellow Catholics who yearn to once again receive the Sacraments. We are working tirelessly with the authorities in preparing our churches on the ground for the gradual resumption of Masses and other religious activities. However even as we wait in great anticipation to return to worship as a community, we must take every measure possible to ensure that our families and communities are safe.

Our churches will progressively open throughout July. Keep an eye out for your church to give instructions on when Mass resumes.

A decision has been reached by the Archbishop in consultation with the Presbyterium to limit Catholics to one registered church from phase 2 onwards. Within our large Catholic population, many of the faithful move from church to church. This church “hopping” presents a risk of spreading COVID-19 across multiple churches.

To ensure that the Catholic Church in Singapore does her best to (1) keep everyone safe, and (2) to have a fair system for the allocation for Masses, the Mass Attendance Registration System (MARS) has been developed within a new portal,

Registration for all Catholics in Singapore

  1. Register yourselves as Catholics residing in Singapore at
  2. Get online for this exercise beginning this Saturday 27 June, from 9am onwards
  3. Catholics are to register with only ONE church during this time (COVID-19 Phase 2 onwards)
  4. Complete your registration as soon as possible before Mass Booking commences next week

Should you need help navigating, please approach your family or friends or refer to this simple guide here

We thank you for your kind attention and ask for your continued patience and prayers, as we get through this challenging season together as one Church.

May God bless and watch over you and your families.

Steps to be done by ALL Catholics in Singapore:

  1. Register yourself at from 9.00 am onwards this Saturday 27 June.
  • Catholics are to register with only ONE church during this time (COVID-19 Phase 2 onwards).
  1. Booking for Masses which will be made available next week